The Ultimate Buyer's Guide for Purchasing Amusement Park Animatronic Dinosaur

29 Apr.,2024


Realistic Animatronic Dinosaurs For Sale

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Amusement Park Animatronic Dinosaur.

Is there assembling required?

The largest container is 11.8m Long * 2.3m Wide * 2.6m High. If the dino is more than 2.6m high. We have to cut the dino head and legs in pieces, in order to fit into the container for ocean shipment. This is how we pack and load into container.

After the container reach your end, there are two options:

1. Normally, if you purchase many large dinosaurs. We will send our installation team to the UK. Meantime, will train your team how to assemble, how to maintain, etc...

2. If you order only one or two large dinosaurs, we will send you a video to guide you on how to install them step by step. It's easy.

And for the small dinosaurs, they will come in whole unit --- no installation.

SGAA04 amusement park animatronic model ...

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If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Realistic Dinosaur Costumes for Sale.

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$2,980.00 - $3,280.00

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For more Dinosaur Animatronic Costumeinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.